Happy Valentines Day | Valentine day Wishes | Valentine day Animations

People should know that Valentines Day also called as Saint Valentine's Day, considered as holiday on 14 February throughout the world. In different English-speaking countries, valentines day is counted as a traditional day for expressing love through different means such as Valentine's cards, gift flowers, and offering confectionery. It is important to know the historical back of valentines day in order to maintain the value of it in life. Actually valentines day is named after Christian martyrs called as Valentine who sacrificed their lives on certain principles. It is a known fact that valentines day got association with romantic love in the circle of Geoffrey Chaucer in the High Middle Ages, as that time the tradition of courtly love flourished in several countries.
I love you, with all my heart!
Today valentines day is especially associated with the mutual exchange of love notes known as "valentines" across the globe. Normally valentines day celebrated in the form of varied modern symbols such as heart-shaped outline, doves, figure of the winged Cupid and more. The Hallmark holidays has enhanced the value of valentines day in the varied society of the world. Previously valentines day was celebrated by presenting greeting cards in many english speaking nations. Also as per the U.S. Greeting card Association the selling of such cards reached upto billion valentines cards all over the world, making the day the second largest card-sending holiday of the year following Christmas. Also it is important to know that many early Christian martyrs were called as Valentine while celebrating valentines day gifts. These christian martyrs valentines were honored on February14 as Valentine of Rome and Valentine of Terni in several english speaking countries. Also it is believed that the first recorded association of Valentine's Day with romantic love was in Parliament of Foules by Geoffrey Chaucer. Afterwards valentines day got the association of as romantic love expression in many countries. Consumers can visit online shops to know more about valentines day and its importance to enhance its value in the society.


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